Safety Plans
Safety Plan
Emergency Plans
Hutto ISD maintains an Emergency Action Plan, which is reviewed and updated regularly. The district follows the Standard Response Protocol established by the "i love you guys" Foundation.
For more information, please visit their website:
The district Safety Team, including the Hutto ISD Police Department, collaborates with the City of Hutto PD and Fire Dept regularly.
Emergency School-Closing Information
The district may close schools because of bad weather or emergency conditions. When such conditions exist, the superintendent will make the official decision concerning the closing of the district’s facilities. When it becomes necessary to open late or to release students early, the following radio and television stations will be notified by school officials:
KASE 101 –
In addition, the district's social media (Facebook and Twitter) and websites will be updated.
Note: Any OFFICIAL communication will only be distributed via the normal Hutto ISD communications methods (phone calls, text messages, district and campus websites, ParentSquare, & official Hutto ISD social media accounts). Please beware of copies or imitations.
Drills: Fire, Tornado, and Other Emergencies
From time to time, students, teachers, and other district employees will participate in emergency drills. Please see the information on the Standard Resource Protocol link for safety drill information. For severe weather, lockdowns and other emergencies, the campus intercom system will be used to relay instructions and information. Students are expected to follow all instructions.