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Long Range Facilities Master Planning

In support of Goal 7.1 of the District’s Strategic Plan, Vision 2025, the Hutto ISD Board of Trustees, at the May 25, 2022 meeting, empaneled the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee to address facility needs to accommodate growth and maximize efficiency through innovation in support of student success.

On July 28, 2022, Dr. Lizzy Johnson, founder of TransCend4, shared information with the board of trustees and community regarding long-range facilities planning services her company can provide to the District. Dr. Johnson’s career has been spent in education as a classroom teacher, assistant principal, director of secondary education, and most recently as the founder of TransCend4.

Hutto ISD convened a Long Range Facilities Planning Committee in August of 2022. The committee, comprised of approximately 60 members which includes parents, students, community members, and staff, is charged by the Hutto ISD Board of Trustees to:

    • Prioritize the needs of all students and make decisions that will enable students to receive a premier education;

    • Represent the expectations and values of the community;

    • Consider projects that will provide a safe and secure educational setting for students and staff; and

    • Make recommendations that enhance the District's capacity to provide conditions for quality teaching and learning within the parameters of fiscal capacity and responsibility


Facilitated by Dr. Johnson, committee meetings will be held throughout the fall semester at the Hutto Ninth Grade Center multi-purpose rooms. Representatives from the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee will present their recommendations to the school board on December 8, 2022.


Committee Members

 Non-voting facilitator
* = HISD Staff Member
S = HISD student

James Carmona

Branden Belk

Kelly Gaydos

Kelly Buchanan

MariClare Gaidsick

Brian Thompson

Ida Weaver

Sean Polsey

Jackie Selvera

Amy McFeely

Morgan Hubbard

Greg Hart

Laura Mercer

Perry Savard

Dan Thornton

Heather Mack

Anne Cano

Marci Wagner

Sabrina Blok

Will Van Der Hoeven

Meli Salinas

Dana Lively

Nicole Calderone

Becky Frost

William Sanchez

Mark Morgan

Bobby Sotelo

Angela Owens

Melanie Dixon

Allison Tangeman

Tiffany Bailey

Kelly Louis

Ashley Rendon

Jerica Lawyer

Cheney Gamboa


Jason McAuliffe

Gaye Rosser

Ryan Burns

Travis Clark

Jessica Romero*


Cary McConnaughhay

Kyle Ruggirello

Kristi White*

Art Rios*

Destri Escobar*

Bonnie Heinrich*

S - Sawyer Strickland

Tamra Mangum*

S - Victoria Turner

S - Victoria Clark

S - Honor Gaidsick

S - Khari Jones

S - Alexx Davis

S - Leilani Baizabal
