School Health Advisory Council
What are SHACs?
The school board shall create a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) as defined in Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 28, Section (SEC) §28.004.
The SHAC assists the district to ensure that local community values are reflected in the district's health education instruction.
The SHAC provides guidance to the district on coordinated school health programming (curriculum) and its impact on student health and learning.
SHAC Members
The board of trustees shall appoint at least five members to SHAC.
A majority of members must be parents of students enrolled in the district, and not Hutto ISD employees.
One of the parent members must be chair or co-chair.
Board of Trustees may also appoint one or more members from the following groups:
- District employed teachers
District employed counselors
District employed school administrators
District students
Health care professionals
Business community
Law enforcement
Senior citizens
Nonprofit health organization
Local domestic violence program
Or a representative from a group other than a group listed above
SHAC Responsibilities
SHAC makes policy recommendations to the school board on a wide variety of issues regarding student health in district programming and curriculum, including:
- Recommend the number of hours of instruction to be provided in:
- K-8 health education; and
- if the school district requires health education for high school graduation, health education, including physical health education (9-12), and
- mental health education (9- 12);
- Recommend policies, procedures, strategies, and curriculum appropriate for specific grade levels designed to prevent
Physical health concerns (includes obesity, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 diabetes), and
Mental health concerns (including suicide)
through coordination of health education (physical and mental), school health services, mental health services; physical education and physical activity; a comprehensive school counseling program (under Section 33.005), parental involvement, a safe and healthy school environment, instruction on substance abuse prevention, and school employee wellness.
- Recommend strategies for integrating health curriculum components in a coordinated school health program for the district; if feasible, joint use agreements or strategies for collaboration between the district and community organizations or agencies;
- Recommend strategies to increase parental awareness regarding
- risky behaviors and early warning signs of suicide risks and behavioral health concerns, (including mental health disorders and substance use disorders) Tex. Educ. Code § 28.004(c).
- risky behaviors and early warning signs of suicide risks and behavioral health concerns, (including mental health disorders and substance use disorders) Tex. Educ. Code § 28.004(c).
- Recommend appropriate grade levels and methods of instruction for human sexuality instruction.
- Recommend appropriate grade levels and curriculum for instruction regarding
- Opioid addiction and abuse and methods of administering an opioid antagonist (as defined by Section 483.101, Health and Safety Code)
- Child abuse
- Family violence
- Dating violence
- Sex trafficking, (including warning signs that a child may be at risk for sex trafficking) Tex. Educ. Code § 28.004(c)(3), (c)(8).
- SHAC recommendations must not conflict with required Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum.
*see More Sources for Guidance section below for more information
Reporting Requirements
The local SHAC must submit an annual written report to the school board that includes:
any SHAC recommendation concerning the school district's health education curriculum and instruction;
any suggested modification to a SHAC recommendation previously submitted to the board;
a detailed explanation of the SHAC's activities during the period between the date of the current report and the date of the last prior written report; and
any recommendations made by the physical activity and fitness planning subcommittee of the SHAC.
TSHAC has developed a PowerPoint presentation template to assist SHACs with their annual report to the board. This template may be downloaded from the TSHAC website at the following web address: School Health Advisory Committee: Resources (
TEC §28.004
Texas Education Code
Are SHACs required?
Is every public school district required to have a SHAC?
Yes, every public school district is required to have a SHAC.
TEC §28.004 does not apply to Open Enrollment Charter Schools; however, it is best practice.
District of Innovation:
Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board Policy AF(LEGAL) includes a list of prohibited exemptions, which reflects Texas Administrative Code (TAC) rules -
It is recommended to consult with district legal counsel or with TASB Legal Services.
SHAC Meeting Requirements
Required to meet at least 4 times during the school year.
TEC §28.004(d-1)
For each meeting, the SHAC shall:
At least 72 hours prior to the meeting:
Post notice of date, time, location, and subject of SHAC meeting at the central administration building, and at each campus in the school district.
Post notice above on District’s Internet Website.
Prepare and maintain minutes of the meeting:
Include subject and content of each deliberation and each vote, order, decision, or other action taken by the SHAC during the meeting.
Make audio or video recording of the meeting.
Make audio or video recording of the meeting.
Submit to district the minutes and recording of the meeting not more than 10 days after the meeting was held.
District must post minutes and a recording of meetings on district website as soon as practicable. TEC §28.004(d-1)
SHAC is not subject to all Texas Open Meetings Act requirements.
SHAC is responsible for making recommendations to the board, not adopting policy.
Public comment is not required. Communication is encouraged and is considered best practice.
SHAC Subcommittees
TEC §28.004 (l-1) requires the SHAC to establish a physical activity and fitness planning subcommittee to:
consider issues related to student physical activity and fitness, and
make policy recommendations to increase physical activity and improve fitness among students.
Recommendations made by the physical activity and fitness planning subcommittee should be included in the SHAC’s annual report to the board.