Families In Transition
Federal Programs (ESSA)
Families in Transition
The Hutto Independent School District Families in Transition (FiT)/Homeless Education Program is committed to ensuring that all children in homeless situations have the opportunity to enroll in, attend and succeed in school.
Who are families in transition?
Families with children and youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. This includes children and youth who are:
- Sharing the housing of other persons (doubled-up) due to economic hardship or loss of housing
- Students living in temporary homes due to economic hardship. This could include, but is not limited to
- Shelters
- Hotels/motels
- RVs
- Unaccompanied (not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian)
What services are available for students in these situations?
- Student participation in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program
- Assistance with school supplies
- Assistance with emergency clothing
- Referrals to community resources
- Assistance with school enrollment
- Assistance with transportation if necessary
What should I do if I believe that my student(s) may qualify for these services?
If you feel you may be in transition and qualify to receive services through the Provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act based on the information above, please fill out a Student Residency Questionnaire (also available in Spanish).
Submit the completed form to your school’s front office or contact Jennifer Ashman-Porter, Director of Student Services, at 512-759-3771 ext. 1063, or jennifer.ashman@huttoisd.net to begin the qualification process.
What should I do if I know someone who I believe may qualify for these services?
If you believe you know someone who may be in transition and qualify to receive services through the Provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act based on the information above, please give them a Student Residency Questionnaire (also available in Spanish) to fill out.
Have them return the completed form to their school’s front office or contact Jennifer Ashman-Porter, Director of Student Services, at 512-759-3771 ext. 1063, or jennifer.ashman@huttoisd.net to begin the qualification process
Available Resources:
https://wilco.auntbertha.com/ Find food, health, housing, job training programs and more.
Your Texas Benefits - Apply for Chip/Medicaid or insurance through the Marketplace
211 Central Texas Clearinghouse for Assistance - Identify resources for housing, clothing, health care, child care, education, employment, counseling, government resources and more
Hutto Resource Center- Offers emotional, financial, and educational assistance to the Hutto Community
Hutto Food Pantry - Open to those in need on Saturday's from 9am to 11am @ 402 Church Street
The Sandbox at Madeline's Place- Offers food and fellowship to our middle and high school students
Bluebonnet Trails Community Service