Enrollment FAQs
- When does enrollment open for the 2024-2025 school year?
- When does school start for the 2024-2025 school year?
- What age does my child need to be to enrolled for Pre-K or Kindergarten?
- What Pre-K options are available?
- What documents are required for enrollment?
- How do I upload my enrollment documents to the online application?
- Once I submit my online application, can I go back in to make changes or upload documents?
- Once I submit the online application and upload all the required documents, do I need to attend an in-person enrollment?
- What is acceptable documentation for Proof of Residency?
- What can I submit for Proof of Residency if I live with someone else?
- Will there be in-person enrollment available if I need assistance?
- Who is able to attend in-person enrollment?
- How will I know when my student is officially enrolled in Hutto ISD?
- How will I choose courses for my Middle School or High School student?