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Guidance Curriculum


Hutto ISD has developed a comprehensive guidance plan for positive social emotional student learning and growth. Guidance topics throughout the year are integrated with the Hippo Way Program, College & Career Readiness, Academic Achievement, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

Guidance & Social Emotional Learning Topics:

  • Intrapersonal Effectiveness
    • Positive student self-concept
    • Effective executive functioning skills
    • Appropriate behavior to the situation and environment
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
    • Effective interactions with diverse populations
    • Effective and appropriate communication skills
    • Recognition of personal boundaries, individual rights and privacy needs of others
    • Effective conflict resolutions skills
    • Development of healthy relationships
  • Post-secondary Planning and Career Readiness
    • Motivation to succeed in personal endeavors
    • Demonstration of career exploration skills
    • Possession of the knowledge and skills to gather information for the purpose of postsecondary education and career planning
    • Demonstration of awareness of the importance of postsecondary education
    • Understanding of the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community
  • Personal Health and Safety
    • Incorporation of wellness practices into daily living
    • Demonstration of resiliency and positive coping skills
    • Possession of assertiveness skills necessary for personal protection