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Bullying is defined in Policy FFI (LEGAL) as written or oral expression or physical conduct that a school district’s Board of Trustees or the Board’s designee determines: 
  1. to have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s property; or 
  2. to be sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to create an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the student. 
Reporting forms can be obtained in the campus office or made anoynymously HERE

Students, who believe they have been harassed, bullied, or otherwise victimized by fellow students or HISD employees are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to the campus principal or other campus professional. To the greatest extent possible, complaints shall be treated as confidential. Limited disclosure may be necessary to complete a thorough investigation. 
A student or parent/guardian who has a complaint alleging bullying, harassment, dating violence, or sexual violence may request a conference with the principal or the principal’s designee. If the student or parent/guardian is not satisfied with the response from campus staff, s/he may request a conference with Dr. Sormani, Assistant Superintendent of School Support Services. 
Complaints will be documented and investigated in accordance with the HISD policies and guidelines. Any staff member who observes an incident that involves physical or verbal threats will report the incident immediately to the campus principal. Any staff member who learns of an incident or threat may submit a Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form in the main office of any school campus.
The HISD Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook (SCOC) notifications serve as two additional means through which parents and students are made aware of the behavioral expectations for students and staff. The Texas Education Code also requires that the District’s SCOC prohibit bullying and harassment, sexual harassment, and dating violence.