Hutto Has Heart
Hutto Has Heart
A rare and unique partnership has formed in Hutto this past year to meet the needs of the community. Consisting of a number of entities, churches, organizations and agencies, the group has been designated “Hutto Has Heart” - and heart they have!! This “team of teams” has a passion for serving our community.
Hutto Has Heart is bringing one united voice to the community. This coalition has formed a strong bond, one which promotes efficiency and, through collaborative efforts, is better able to serve our community. This past year, Hutto Has Heart joined efforts by bringing together the skills, talents and strengths of each agency and combined resources to support such programs as the:
Back To School Supply Drive
Friday Night Live Program
9-11 Breakfast
Treats on East Street and Trunk or Treat
Turkey Drive
Food Drive for Food Pantry
Old Town Christmas
Orange Santa Program
Coats for Kids Drive
The Hippo Closet
The Weekend Lunchbox Program
Through these participative initiatives, a strong under-girding of a connected community has been established, where there is a flow of information, communication and a collaboration of efforts in promoting “community building.” The overall theme shared by each of the entities seems to be “What can we do to make our community better?”
Another mission of the partnership is to build a cohesive community through an integrated approach to service, involving governmental entities and non-governmental organizations, collaborating to address community needs and concerns. The group also works with individual families in need by providing resource information of what is available to them.
The City of Hutto now provides an option on the City’s utility bill, where folks may choose to make a donate each billing cycle to the Hutto Has Heart group. Funds will be placed into a special fund that will assist those in need. The Executive Team of the Hutto has Heart is working to establish the program as a 501 c 3.
If you would like to know more about Hutto Has Heart, please contact the City of Hutto at 759-4030 or visit their website at