About Us
For over 15 years, the Hutto Education Foundation has been providing funds to support our teachers and students to bring innovative educational strategies to Hutto ISD. Founded in 2006, community leaders joined forces with Hutto ISD to encourage excellence in education through the direct connection and involvement with local businesses and community organizations. The need to support students with programs not funded by traditional tax dollars led to the formation of the 501(c)3, Hutto Education Foundation.
The Hutto Education Foundation partners with Hutto ISD to enrich, enhance, and maximize the quality of education for all students by providing grants and scholarships to teachers, staff and students for programs not funded by the state.
Executive Committee
Elizabeth McMasters, President
Jill Rydell, Vice President of Finance
Meg Hiney, VP of Governance
Jessica Molter, Secretary
Board of Directors
Amber Callahan - Veteran Affairs
Felix Chavez - Hutto ISD Board Trustee
Bob Cervi - CORE
Andrea Elizondo - The Association of Texas Professional Educators
Dr. Cara Malone - Hutto ISD Assistant Superintendent of Talent Management and Personnel Support
Heather Merz, - ParadigmAngie McWethy-Magnolia Realty
Jeni Neatherlin - Hutto ISD Superintendent
Todd Robison - Hutto ISD
Caleb Steed - Hutto ISD Chief Financial Officer
Shara Turner - Hutto ISD Board Trustee
Corina Zepeda - Texas State Technical College
Hutto Education Foundation
200 College Street / P.O. Box 363
Hutto, TX 78634
General Inquiries & Information: huttoeducationfoundation@gmail.com
Grant Questions & Information: hefgrants@gmail.com