Teacher ParentSquare Guide
Teacher ParentSquare Guide
Teacher ParentSquare Guide
- Self-Enroll in the Hutto ISD ParentSquare Educator training course
Watch these ParentSquare Teacher training courses.
- Getting Started - Basic Navigation
- Self-Paced Teacher Training 101
- Teacher Webinar 101
- Teacher Summer Camp 2022: Aug. 8-12 or Aug. 15-19, 2022
Connect with Resource Groups
- facebook.com/groups/psusergroup - Best source for ideas and to link with other users
- facebook.com/ParentSquare
- twitter.com/ParentSquare
- linkedin.com/company/ParentSquare
Communication Tips
- Best Practice Guide: Family Communications
- How to Write Better Posts to Connect with Parents
- 7 Ways to Maximize Parent Support
- One Touch Per Month
- Why Communicate with Parents?
- Hutto ISD: Schedule all Posts to Parents to arrive between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. to respect time boundaries
- If Family Two is not showing up in Parent Square, instruct parents to log into their Skyward Family Access and make sure Family Two has an email address and phone number. Make any needed edit, then select REQUEST CHANGE, and Save. Then, once the registrar approves the change, after receiving any required documentation, Skyward syncs with ParentSquare automatically over night.
Make sure to include the following items
- Welcome Post - Select the Option for Do not notify (only post on 'Posts' page)
- Utilize a template located within the ParentsSquare Menu, by selecting “New Posts” then following the directions below.
- How to Create a Newsletter/Post from a Template - Hutto ISD templates are pre-loaded for you
- Schedule Meet the Teacher Appointment Sign-Ups
- Open the dialog with parents, sending them a Direct Message with photos or feedback of their student at school
- Request a Wish List or other Sign-Up Lists for Parents
- Create groups for subsets of students, clubs, UIL groups
- Be sure your StudentID’s are 6 digits long in your spreadsheet before uploading, Go to Format Number, Set Custom Number Format to 000000
- Add Events to your class Calendar
- Upload Files/Forms/Flyers you want accessible to Parents
- Access your Class Directory
- Download the Mobile App
- Check out Frequently Asked Questions
- Understand Best Practices for Team Teaching
Other Questions?
After trying the ParentSquare FAQs, and Support Options, you can also reach out to:
The Campus ParentSquare Trainers on your campus:
- Benjamin "Doc" Kerley Elementary: Carla Salazar
- Cottonwood Creek Elementary: Stephanie Woelfel
- Howard Norman Elementary: Thomas Williams
- Hutto Elementary: Maria Moreno/Tamra Mangum
- Nadine Johnson Elementary: Jennifer Stowers
- Ray Elementary: Victor Juarez/Fernando Milmo
- Veterans' Hill Elementary: Erica Jordan
- Farley Middle School: Courtnee Bownds
- Hutto Middle School: Lacy Dillard
- Hutto High School: Lisa Vasquez, Jennifer Gonzales, Michael Harrison
- Hutto 9th Grade Center: Nikki Roberston-Griffin, Bianca Villareal
Hutto ISD's ParentSquare project managers.
For more tips and tricks, see the ParentSquare bank of information.
Any ParentSquare Admin at your campus, your campus trainer or ParentSquare District Admin can manually add staff by navigating to the school site > Admin > Data Assistant > Staff > Add Staff > Add staff manually. Feel free to email parentsquare@huttoisd.net for help providing names, emails and which schools you need access to.
When accounts have been merged and need to be separated, ParentSquare support must do this for you. Please go to HELP (?) in ParentSquare and chat with tech support or email support@parentsquare.com and request assistance.
While staff must log in with the email or phone number associated with their staff account, other parents associated with combined accounts can access your account using any of the associated email addresses or phone numbers on your combined account. Here's an article on this in the ParentSquare help articles: https://parentsquare.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057380571-How-to-Combine-Merge-Accounts#h_01EZBDKYN368HQAT19MYTHSZDK
ParentSquare transfers over the Primary phone number from Skyward. Please make sure the contact number you want in ParentSquare is listed as your Primary phone number.
If you need to update your name, phone number or address, log into your Skyward account, select Employee Information, update it and then hit the button that says "Request Changes."