Parents ParentSquare Guide
Parents ParentSquare Guide
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Watch these ParentSquare Parent Videos
Learn how to turn on and translate closed captions for a Youtube Video to your home language.
- 3-Minute Overview
- Parents—Getting Started Video (ParentSquare resumen para padres - español)
- Introduction for Parents (Introducción a ParentSquare - español)
How it Works
- How to confirm your contact information (Cómo confirmar su información de contacto - español)
Manage Your Account Settings (Administrar la Configuración de su Cuenta - español)
Download the mobile app ▶️ (Configuración de las notificaciones - español)
Notification settings (Notificaciones - español)
Language settings (Configuración de idioma - español)
Parent Dashboard (Portal Para Padres - español)
Parent panel in the iOS app (Panel de padres en la aplicación de iOS - español)
View Class Posts (Ver publicaciones de clase - español)
Appreciate a Post (Apreciar una Publicación) - español)
Comment on a Post (Comentar en una Publicación - español)
View, Send or reply to a direct message (Enviar un mensaje privado - español)
Sign up to volunteer or bring an item (Regístrese para ser voluntario o traer un artículo - español)
RSVP for an Event (Responder para un Evento - español)
Subscribe to your ParentSquare calendar (Suscríbase a su calendario ParentSquare - español)
Fill out a form/ or permission slip (Completar un formulario/ o hoja de permiso - español)
View a secure document (Ver un documento seguro - español)
Sign out of the application (Cerrar sesión en la aplicación - español)
• Troubleshooting - Parent Isn't Receiving Notifications
• Missing a child/Missing a school/Staff is also a Parent (Merge Accounts) (Falta un hijo? / Falta una escuela? - español)
• Update Your Email Address, Phone Number or Home Address in Skyward Family Access
• Change or Reset Password (¿Cómo cambio / reinicio mi contraseña? - español)
• Student No Longer Attends School or has Graduated (El estudiante ya no asiste a la escuela o se ha graduado - español)
How do I add my spouse for my children so he can also communicate in ParentSquare?
If you add your spouse in Skyward Family Access, and hit REQUEST CHANGE, SAVE. Once approved, Skyward will automatically sync with ParentSquare the next night and you will both have access.
I am trying to log into my ParentSquare but receiving the message Account Not Found. What now?
If you are new to Hutto ISD and it is summer time, you may have to wait until the new year has been created in our system, toward the end of July 2024. If the new school year has begun and you are having problems logging in, make sure you are using the same email that you use with your student's Skyward Family Access account. You can correct or edit information in Skyward Family Access, and REQUEST CHANGE and SAVE. After you provide any proof documents the registrar requires, once approved, Skyward will sync with ParentSquare and you'll be able to sign in with the same email you use in Skyward.
I have questions. Who can I go to?
If you have questions, check the ParentSquare Parents Guide, Teacher Guide, or Student Guide, or information, troubleshooting and commonly asked questions and answers. For further assistance, please:
- Email and request assistance from experts in ParentSquare support or
Call ParentSquare at 888-496-3168.
If you need help from Hutto ISD, email
What if my email, phone number or name is incorrect in ParentSquare?
Please verify that your information is current in Skyward Employee Access as ParentSquare pulls information directly from that system. If you have a change to make, go into Skyward, select Employee Information, update it and then hit the button that says, "Request Changes." Parents will similarly request edits in Skyward Family Access. Some information requires further verification in order for the registrar to accept the change.
New students to the district will not be loaded into ParentSquare until after the first days of school. ParentSquare updates information nightly. Any changes will be reflected within 24-48 hours.
Can I use Parent Square now?
The system is now live. Current Staff and Students (6th grade and higher) may log in using their Hutto ISD Google Account, and Parents using the email account we have for them in Skyward.
1. Download the App for Android or iPhone
2. Log in using your Hutto ISD Google Account (Employees) or Skyward email (Parents)
3. Verify your Information (you’ll only need to do this once)
4. Set Your Notification Preferences to Instant or Digest (once a day) depending on your preference
5. Set your Language Settings
What is Parent Square?
Parent Square is a mass communication system that school districts use to communicate district messaging and campus-level messaging. Hutto ISD will utilize Parent Square as its email communication system for the 22-23 school year.