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Wear your Hutto spirit on your sleeve. A new tradition stomped into Hippo Nation and it’s as easy as putting on your favorite Hippo Nation shirt. Every Friday, everyone in the Hutto Herd -- whether you are a student, parent, teacher, staff member, administrator, alum, or future little Hippo, and whether you’re at the office, in the classroom, or on vacation, will be united in proudly showing off our Hutto spirit. Quite simply, each Friday let's show your Hutto Pride and let the world know you’re a Hutto Hippo. 

It’s called #HippoNationFriday. 

It’s that simple! No, really, that’s all you have to do. Unless of course, you want to get competitive and challenge a school, department, club or organization to see who has the most spirit. We've got spirit, how 'bout you? 
Where can I buy my Hippo Nation gear? 
Our Team Spirit Store located inside Hutto Memorial Stadium with all your spirit gear! The store will be open during all athletic events this school year or by emailing out to our Stadium Manager during non-athletic event hours.
See athletic event schedules at RankOne Sports.


Hutto Memorial Stadium Team Spirit Store - The Team Spirit Store will be open during all events at Hutto Memorial Stadium and will open when gates open for the event. 

Look for school and club fundraisers for 24-25 Hippo Gear

...and there's always great selections at HEB Plus! Hutto and at other licensed vendors in town.


Note: All Hutto ISD Staff members get into all athletic events for free during the school year.  You must have your employee ID with you to show event staff and you are able to bring one (1) guest with you as well for free. All other guests must purchase a ticket and this only applies for general admission seating.