Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Each year, Hutto ISD must notify parents and students concerning disclosure of student directory information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). FERPA, which gives parents the right to privacy of student record information, is a federal law that applies to public schools and state or local education agencies that receive federal education funds. Parents must make a decision and inform the District as to whether they consent or do not consent to the release of directory information. (Board Policy FL)
Certain information about District students is considered directory information and will be released to anyone who follows the procedures for requesting the information unless the parent or guardian objects to the release of the directory information about this student. If you do not want Hutto ISD to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you may indicate your choice during the registration process at the beginning of each school year.
Hutto ISD has designated the following information as directory information for requests from outside organizations: Student’s name and primary address.
Public/Outside Organizations - The District shall not disclose student directory information to third-party requesters other than those designated above or required by law. The District shall disclose student directory information to military recruiters or institutions of higher education with parental consent in accordance with the law.
Hutto ISD has designated the following information as directory information for District and School-Sponsored Purposes: Student’s name; primary address; photograph/image; date and place of birth; degrees, honors, and awards received; dates of attendance; grade level; most recent educational institution attended; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; and weight and height of members of athletic teams.
District-Sponsored or School-Sponsored Purposes - Student directory information may be disclosed for District-sponsored or school-sponsored purposes such as District/campus-generated programs for athletic, fine arts, or other events; campus-generated yearbooks; District/campus-generated digital media including video; District/campus-generated social media; District/campus-generated publicity or news media stories; and District/campus-generated announcements.
For School-Support Organizations - Student directory information may be disclosed to the following school-support requestors that are 501(c)(3) organizations: Parent Teacher Associations (PTA); Booster clubs; Groups supporting campus and District academic programs; and the Hutto Education Foundation.
Can I restrict access to this information? Yes. A parent or eligible student may prevent the release of student directory information by checking the appropriate boxes during the registration process. To restrict district and school-sponsored publication of student directory information parents must return the attached form to your campus within 10 school days after the parent or student has been provided this notice. School-related uses of a student’s directory information include the school yearbook, school newspaper, concert programs, commencement programs, District press releases, sports programs, and other District publications and electronic media, including district websites and social media pages.
What about military recruiters and colleges? The Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. Section 6301 et seq), requires the District to release to military recruiters and institutions of higher education, upon request, the name, address, or telephone number of a secondary student enrolled in the District, unless the parent has advised the District that the parent does not want the student’s information disclosed without the parent’s prior written consent.
Military, Higher Education, and Outside Organization access to student directory information can be allowed or restricted during the online registration process.
To restrict district and school-sponsored publication of student directory information please, download and print this form and return the completed form to your child's campus.