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Branding Guidelines

The Hutto ISD Brand

In the spring of 2022, the Communications Department updated the district logos, fonts and colors. Please refer to the Hutto ISD's Brand Standards and Guidelines to preserve and protect the image of Hippo Nation. Contact the Communications Department for design requests and approval. Additional brand assets are available for Hutto ISD staff only: Hutto ISD Staff Brand Assets

Hutto ISD is the owner of various trademarks protected by both a federal registration and common law trademark rights. These marks are used to identify the district's educational services, as well as its various extracurricular activities and programs. As the owner of these trademarks, the District is the only entity with permission to utilize and/or market these various marks unless the District grants others permission to do so. 

In an effort to protect its legal rights in these trademarks, yet allow outside vendors and groups an opportunity to utilize them as well, the District has implemented a licensing program. This program benefits non-District affiliated groups, vendors, and manufacturers by allowing them to carry and sell Hutto ISD merchandise as an officially designated licensed dealer. The program also positions the District to oversee and assure the integrity of our brand through proper usage, while providing a financial benefit to the District through royalty fees.

Permission to use the name, logo, spirit marks, or wordmarks of Hutto ISD may be granted to external entities and organizations on a case-by-case basis.

Apply to use Hutto ISD branding

Approved Colors


Hutto ISD Orange
Pantone: PMS 717 C
Web: #D25D12
CMYK: C: 0 M: 65 Y: 100 K: 0
RGB: R: 210 G: 93 B: 18
Thread Color: Madeira-1621

Pantone: White
CMYK: C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0
RGB: R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
Thread Color: Snow White (Robison-Anton - 2297)

See the Hutto ISD Branding Guide for a full list of Complimentary Colors.

District Seal

Spirit Marks

Campus Logos