HUTTO, Texas — Voters in Hutto ISD approved all of the school district’s 2023 Bond propositions on the May 6 ballot totaling $522 million. Preliminary results from the Williamson County Elections Department show that 60.99% of voters approved Prop A, for $471.5 million; 58.25% of voters approved Prop B, for $10.5 million; and Prop C, for $40 million, passing with 57.02%.
“We are grateful to the voters of Hutto ISD for supporting this bond election and acknowledging the immediate and near-term need for these projects as we address the fast growth in our school district,” said Superintendent Dr. Celina Estrada Thomas. “From day one, the Bond process involved community input through the work of the Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee, and it has ultimately concluded with the community’s input through the election process. We sincerely thank the citizens who served on the planning committee this past fall.
“Anytime you seek the community’s support in a bond election, you are asking your stakeholders to trust District leadership with tax-funded projects and to follow through with the promises we make. As we have done with past bond elections, we will strive to maintain your trust, which is most important to us. In conjunction with our Board, we will execute sound financial practices with our students’ well-being at the forefront of every decision.”
“Bond 2023 was a community effort, and the foresight and strength of the Hutto ISD community is evident,” said Board President Billie Logiudice. “Results from the election are a true vote of confidence in our District, and it is most certainly a win for Hippo Nation and, more importantly, the students we educate and families we serve.”
Proposition A allocates $471.5 million for several projects, including:
Elementary School #8
Elementary School #9
Build-out of the Ninth Grade Center to create a second, comprehensive high school
Final phases of Hutto High School renovations and additions
Classroom additions at Hutto and Farley Middle Schools
Funds to purchase land for future school sites
District-wide technology infrastructure and security upgrades
New school buses and development of a satellite transportation facility
- District-wide facility upgrades to HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems to improve operational efficiencies
Proposition B allocates $10.5 million for the purchase and refresh of instructional, or one-to-one technology devices. Per recent state legislation, these proposed expenditures were required to be a standalone ballot proposition. With increasing enrollment, the District asked voters to approve bond funds for new instructional technology devices, such as laptops and classroom technology, and to replace those that have met their useful lifespan and are now outdated.
Proposition C includes $40 million to construct a District Academic Center at 200 College Street. The proposed facility will see a partial demolition of the original Hutto ISD school facilities and renovations of adjacent buildings to create a permanent space for those currently housed in portable buildings, including River Horse Academy, DAEP and the 18+ Special Education Program. District leaders envision the Hutto ISD Academic Center as a space to engage and serve the community, provide facilities for employee development and training, and expand office space for central administration functions as the District continues to grow in the coming years.
The Bond does not impact the current District tax rate of $1.3929 which is the result of Trustees lowering the total tax rate by nearly 28 cents over the last eight years, thanks to the continued growth of the tax base in Hutto ISD. Property taxes for citizens age 65 or older will not be affected by the 2023 Bond election as long as a Homestead Exemption application has been filed with the Williamson County Appraisal District.
“This Bond provides equitable upgrades to nearly every single campus in our district,” Hutto ISD Trustee Amy English said. “And the proposals approved by voters in this Bond will help all students in Hippo Nation at every single grade level. I’m eager to engage the community along with fellow trustees so that we may continue to provide exceptional educational and extracurricular experiences for our students.”
Dr. Estrada Thomas said she looks forward to seeing the positive impact of the Bond for years to come. “We’ll have the facilities we need to accommodate the growth and, most importantly, the added spaces to enhance offerings for our students through Career & Technical Education programs as we prepare our graduates for immediate employment or to continue their educational journeys,” she said.
“The Board of Trustees would like to express our heart-felt thanks to the community for their vote of confidence in the 2023 Bond proposals,” said Logiudice. “Just as in years past, we will continue to work diligently to ensure that all projects are delivered in a way that continues to raise and meet the expectations for our students, families, staff and community.”
“Passing a school bond is a monumental task at the intersection between the community’s expectations and the needs of a fast-growth district like ours,” said Henry Gideon, Assistant Superintendent of Operations. “From the very beginning our goal has been to engage and educate our community in a bond process that was transparent, inclusive and collaborative. This approved 2023 Bond package highlights the value of community input from various perspectives.”
As timelines and further plans are developed and approved, the District will provide updates both online as well as through other official communication channels.
More information on the current and past Hutto ISD Bonds, including future updates, can be found at